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  Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) is the leading brand in the Chinese yoga industry. Our brand rooted in China, compatible with traditional Indian yoga heritage and western scientific education methodology. It makes yoga culture from all over the world colliding dazzling sparks with Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China).


  静之婵瑜伽(中国)坐拥首都北京,总部位于历史悠久的玲珑塔下。2007年5月成立,静之婵瑜伽会馆不断发展壮大,如今八家瑜伽会馆遍布京城。现以瑜伽会馆经营,瑜伽教师培训,瑜伽运动文化为核心,现拥有集静之婵瑜伽会馆, 静之婵瑜伽中国/国际培训学院,静之婵瑜伽文化推广等多方位业务。

  Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) located in Beijing,our HQ is next to the historical Ling Long Tower. Founded in May, 2007, Jing ZhiChan Yoga (China) has been developing, and now has eight yoga studios spread out Beijing. Our core businesses are operating membership based yoga studios, conducting certified yoga teacher training and promoting yoga sports culture, therefore we have multi-business strategic, which are Jing Zhi Chan Yoga studios, Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) Academy with China & oversea campuses, and Jing Zhi Chan Yoga culture development.


  静之婵瑜伽(中国)做为首家成功系统性地引进最大全球瑜伽体系-高温瑜伽“Bikram Yoga”, 成为中国高温瑜伽先驱。长期不断地面向全国各地教学推广正宗本源的高温瑜伽,树立了中国高温瑜伽里程碑,高温瑜伽创始人形容“静之婵就像是一颗种子,不断地教学,不断地成长,高温瑜伽这棵大树才会茁壮成长”。

  Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) as the first one successfully introduced the largest global yoga brand – "Bikram Yoga", become China Bikram Hot Yoga pioneer. Non-stop teaching of the authentic and original Hot Yoga throughout the country, set the milestone of Hot Yoga in China, the founder of Bikram Yogasaid "Jing Zhi Chan is like a seed for Bikram Yoga in China, continuously teaching makes it continuously grow, only then the seed will grow vigorously become towering tree to reach the sky .”



  Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) Every single teacher infuses passion and sincere into yoga, also they all are self-disciplined, opened mind to embrace yoga knowledge,teaching precisely also mixing with sense of humor and diverse teaching style, which attracted students from around the world sharing the joy of yoga. Meanwhile,many of the world-renowned yoga masters and international yoga teachers have come to Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) for teaching.




  Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) has never stopped in the exploration and study, has visited the world famous yoga institutions, and has learnt the advanced yoga teacher training theoretically and practically. Collaborating with International Institutionsof Yogic Science (IIYS), we create authoritative yoga teacher trainings, which authorizedby Yoga Alliance and accredited by Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University. Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) has been lead the trend of yoga teacher education, as well as yoga education and continuing education in the world yoga industry.




  In the last decade, Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) has been always opened-heart and enjoyed the distinct yoga culture from the world. We have represented China to participant in numerous international yoga events organized by either government or NGR. We also received highly recognition of improving culture exchange in-between China and India. We have organized many yoga learn programs at aboard institutions,footprints around the world.



  Despite language barriers, cultural differences, geographical restrictions, Yoga sports(yoga asana) is the most widely recognized as a yoga limb infiltrated every yogis in the planet. With the same acknowledge, Jing Zhi Chan Yoga (China) has accepted to host the "2017 1st China Yoga Sports Championship"and the "2017 Asian Yoga Sports Championship", appointed by International Yoga Sports Federation and China Yoga Sports Federation. Hopefully,more and more people in China, Asia , even in the world, will be knowing, embracing,and participating in heritage of Indian yoga, therefore promoting yoga sports(yoga asana) and yoga, eventually more people could enhance physically , mentally and spiritually health from yoga.


